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Catalog Cuts / Specs

Material: brass, bronze, stainless steel
Material Size: 1" dia.
Pull Projection: 3"
Pull Clearance: 2"
Push Projection: 2 3/4"
Push Clearance: 1 3/4"

The Rockwood T Series 1" diameter tubular push and pull bar sets are made from sturdy .065" thick wall tubing. Solid brass or stainless steel inserts are brazed into the ends to provide a solid area for our guaranteed mounting systems.

Benefits of specifying the T Series push and pulls include:

  • Tubular pulls weigh 25% less than their solid counterparts; this 75% weight reduction greatly reduces the environmental impact of harvesting material for their manufacture – a LEED certified building goal
  • The lighter weight minimizes the risk of damage in shipping and handling
  • The cost of most tubular pulls represents a significant savings over the equivalent solid model
    Considering all the benefits, the T Series pulls offer an improved value without any quality sacrifice.

Customer Service:

  • Mon-Thurs 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
  • Fri 9:00am - 12:30pm EST
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