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Falcon MA Less Cylinder Heavy Duty Mortise Locks


Catalog Cuts / Specs

Right hand is standard. Reversible in the field.

Cylinder not included

 FunctionFunction Description
MA101 Passage Latch bolt by knob/levers at all times
MA441 Classroom Security Latch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever is locked from inside or outside by key. When outside knob/lever is locked, latch bolt is retracted by key from inside or outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Auxiliary dead latch.
MA521 Entry/Office Latch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outsideknob/lever is made inoperative by buttons in face. When outside knob/lever is locked, latch bolt is retracted by key from outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Auxiliary dead latch.
MA571 Dormitory Exit Latch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side. Dead bolt projected by key from outside and turn from inside. Operating inside knob/lever retracts both bolts and unlocks outside.
MA581 Storeroom Latch bolt operated by key from outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Outside knob/lever is always inoperative. Auxiliary dead latch.

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